TM 55-6930-212-10Table 7-2. Simulated Malfunction Details - ContinuedMethod ofIndications and effects onEffects sensed by traineeintroductionrelated systems as presentedif corrective action isMalfunctionby instructorto the instructor and traineenot takenBoth transformer358All associated caution lightsAbrupt helicopter atti-rectifiersilluminate. Battery power istude change.Control be-only dc power available. Allcomes impaired.dc associated equipment isinoperative.Battery system359BATT SYS MAL caution lightIf another electricalfaililluminates. No dc power issource is available, noavailable from the battery.effects are evident:Battery bus may be disabledotherwise, no dc power isand associated equipment isavailable.inoperative.AC bus tie relay360If either generator is failedLoss of ac bus poweredfailor turned off, disabled ac busequipment associated withis not connected and all asso-failed or turned offciated caution lights illuminate.generator.DC bus tie relay361If either transformer rectifierAll associated dc poweredfailis inoperative, automatic closingequipment on No. 1 orof bus tie relay does not occur,No. 2 busses is lost.disabled dc busses are not con-nected to operable transformerrectifier. and all associatedcaution lights illuminate.PLT FLT instrument362Pilot flight instrument lightsRestricted cockpit/instru-lightsare inoperative.ment visibility.CPLT FLT instrument363Copilot flight instrument lightsRestricted cockpit/instru-lightsare inoperative.ment visibility.7-12
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