TM 55-6930-212-10
Table 7-2. Simulated Malfunction Details - Continued
Method of
Indications and effects on
Effects sensed by trainee
related systems as presented
if corrective action is
by instructor
to the instructor and trainee
not taken
Low side engine
572 (No. 1 ENG) Decrease in torque on affected
Rotor rpm may continue to
beep trim
576 (No. 2 ENG) engine and increase in torque
decrease below safe opera-
on unaffected engine, along with
ting limits, depending
lack of response to normal beep
upon gross weight of air-
trim on affected engine. Rotor
rpm decreases and N1 stabilizes
at or above ground idle speed
(60 to 63% N1 speed).
High side engine
573 (No. 1 ENG) Increase in torque on the affected
Rotor rpm may continue
beep trim
577 (No. 2 ENG) engine and a decrease in torque
to increase above safe
on unaffected engine, along with
operating limits.
lack of response to normal
engine beep trim on affected
Rotor rpm increases.
Static beep trim
574 (No. 1 ENG) Failure of affected engine to
Failure of affected engine
578 (No. 2 ENG) respond to normal beep commands
to respond to normal beep
or similar to a high or low side
commands or similar to a
failure when thrust control is
high or low side failure
lowered or raised.
when thrust control is
lowered or raised.
Emergency beep
575 (No. 1 ENG) No rotor or N1 rpm change
No rotor or N1 rpm
579 (No. 2 ENG) when emergency beep trim is
change when emergency
beep trim is utilized.
Bleed band closed
No. 1 ENG stalls whenever N1
No. 1 ENG stalls whenever
No. 1 ENG
power demand exceeds 800 rpm
N1 power demand exceeds
per second. Rapid loss of N1
800 rpm per second. Rapid
and rise in PTIT.
loss of N1 and rise in