TM 55-6930-212-10Table 7-2. Simulated Malfunction Details - ContinuedMethod ofIndications and effects onEffects sensed by traineeintroductionrelated systems as presentedif corrective action isMalfunctionby instructorto the instructor and traineenot takenILS receiver319If tuned to a valid ILS:ILS navigational system1.LOC flag appears in ID-2103.inoperative.2.Glideslope (G/S) flag appearsin ID-2103.3.Horizontal and verticalneedles in ID-2103 center.4.Station ident is disabled.CRS/LOC needle320If a valid course (CRS) or LOC isVertical needle in ID-2103oversensitivetuned.vertical needle in ID-2103becomes twice as sensi-becomes twice as sensitive ( dot true equals two dotsindicated).CRS/LOC needle321Vertical needle in ID-2103All other CRS/LOC indica-inoperativecenters.tors are not affected.Glideslope needle322Horizontal needle in ID-2103No valid glideslopeinoperativecenters.indication.PLT HSI No. 1323PLT HSI pointer No. 1 oscillatesInvalid Doppler stationDoppler pointer±20°from station bearing.bearing.oscillatesPLT HSI No. 2324PLT HSI pointer No. 2 oscillatesInvalid VOR/ADF stationVOR/ADF pointer±20° from station.bearing.oscillatesPLT HSI card325PLT HSI compass card precessesPLT HSI compass card pre-excitation lossat a rate of 150 per hour.cesses.PLT HSI card326PLT HSI compass card oscillatesPLT HSI compass carderratic±5° from magnetic heading.erratic.7-8
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