TM 1-1520-240-103-2-4 3-2-6. Word-of-Day.The WOD programs the frequency hopping rate and pat-tern. Without it, the radio cannot function in the AJ mode.A WOD is made up of a maximum of six WOD segmentsplus a date code. The Have Quick II radios are capableof storing up to six WODs, thus allowing for multi-day useof the radio set. This technique is known as multipleword-of-day (MWOD) loading. The basic have QUICKradio allows loading a single WOD, in volatile memory.Four operating modes are used within the radio set toinitiate various Have Quick (HQ) programing functions.They are accessed via preset 20 with the frequencieslisted in Table 3-2-1. The functions are Operate/verify,MWOD load, MWOD erase, and Frequency ManagedTraining (FMT) frequency load.1. Glide slope2. Radar warning3. HF ARC-220 antenna4. VHF navigation5. Radar warning6. IFF7. ECM antennas8. Marker beacon9. ADF loop and sense antennas10. UHF -AM11. VHF AM/FM (typical top and bottom)12. FM homing13. Doppler navigation14. Radar warning blade antenna15. Radar altimeterFigure 3-2-3. Antenna Locations
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