TM 1-1520-240-10
3-2-6. Word-of-Day.
The WOD programs the frequency hopping rate and pat-
tern. Without it, the radio cannot function in the AJ mode.
A WOD is made up of a maximum of six WOD segments
plus a date code. The Have Quick II radios are capable
of storing up to six WODs, thus allowing for multi-day use
of the radio set. This technique is known as multiple
word-of-day (MWOD) loading. The basic have QUICK
radio allows loading a single WOD, in volatile memory.
Four operating modes are used within the radio set to
initiate various Have Quick (HQ) programing functions.
They are accessed via preset 20 with the frequencies
listed in Table 3-2-1. The functions are Operate/verify,
MWOD load, MWOD erase, and Frequency Managed
Training (FMT) frequency load.
1. Glide slope
2. Radar warning
3. HF ARC-220 antenna
4. VHF navigation
5. Radar warning
6. IFF
7. ECM antennas
8. Marker beacon
9. ADF loop and sense antennas
10. UHF -AM
11. VHF AM/FM (typical top and bottom)
12. FM homing
13. Doppler navigation
14. Radar warning blade antenna
15. Radar altimeter
Figure 3-2-3. Antenna Locations