TM 1-1520-240-103-2-6 3-2-9. Conferencing.In the AJ mode, the radio has the capability to receiveand process two simultaneous transmissions on thesame net. This conferencing capability is selected by thehundredth and thousandth digits of WOD segment 2,loaded using channel position 19 and is disabled whenoperating in the secure speech mode.In a conference net, the second transmitting radio willautomatically shift its transmission frequency by 25 kHzwhen it monitors a transmission on the primary net fre-quency. The wide band receiver will monitor both trans-missions without the interference normally associatedwith two radio transmitting on the same frequency simul-taneously. Three simultaneous transmissions will creategarbled reception.3-2-10. Controls and Function, UHF-AM Have QuickII Radio (AN/ARC-164). (fig. 3-2-4)CONTROL/INDICATORFUNCTIONFunction SelectSwitchFour position rotary switchused to select radio operatingmode.OFFPower to set is disabled; radioset inoperative.MAINRadio set can be used totransmit and receive; guard re-ceiver inoperative.BOTHRadio set can be used totransmit and receive; guard re-ceiver operates.ADFNot used.Figure 3-2-4. UHF-AM Have Quick II Radio(An/ARC-164)CONTROLS/INDICATORFUNCTIONTONEMomentary contact switch.Pressing the TONE switchwhen in the normal mode en-ables a 1020 Hz tone on theselected frequency, unlessTOD has been accepted inwhich case a1667 Hz-tone isheard prior to the 1020 Hztone. When A-3-2-T switch isin A, it enables TOD transmis-sion followed by a 1020 Hztone on the selected frequen-cy. When A-3-2-T switch is inT, it initiates the emergencystartup of the TOD clock.When in the load mode. Press-ing the TONE switch withchannels 1, 14, or 15 through20 selected in the manualmode enters the MWOD datainto non-volatile memory.Pressing the TONE switchwhen in the erase mode,erases all MWOD data fromnon-volatile memory.VOLRotary control used to adjustradio output volume.SQUELCH SwitchTwo position toggle switch toselect radio squelch mode.OFFSquelch is disabledONSquelch is enabledFrequency ModeSelectorThree position rotary controlused to select frequency tun-ing mode.MANUALPermits manual frequencyselection using frequency con-trols.PRESETPermits selection of presetchannel frequencies in radioset (maximum of 20 channels).GUARDAutomatically disables the anti-jam mode and tunes radio setto guard channel frequency(243.000 MHz).Frequency Selec-torsFive rotary controls used to se-lect radio operating frequencyor state.
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