TM 1-1520-240-103-2-8 (2)Channel selector switch — Set to 20.(3)Frequency mode selector switch — PRE-SET.(4)Frequency mode selector switch — Set220.025 MHz.(5)PRESET switch — Press. Radio is now pro-grammed to accept MWOD.(6)Frequency mode selector switch — MANU-AL.(7)Frequency selector switches — Enter firstWOD segment.(8)TONE switch — Press. First WOD segmentis now loaded to the nonvolatile memory of the radio —Listen for BEEP.(9)Channel selector switch — Set to 19.(10) Frequency selector switches — Enter sec-ond WOD segment.(11) TONE switch — Press.(12) The remaining four WODs can be loaded ina similar fashion by dialing the next lower preset channel,selecting the next WOD segment. After entering last seg-ment, listen for a double (3125 Hz) beep.(13) Channel selector switch — Set to 14.(14) Frequency selector switches — Enter datecode.(15) TONE switch — Press. At this time, onecomplete WOD with its corresponding date code hasbeen entered to the nonvolatile memory.(16) Additional WODs can be loaded by repeat-ing steps (5) through (15). Once WODs have been en-tered, today’s operational date must then be entered.(17) Channel selector switch — Set to 1.(18) Frequency selector switches — Enter op-erational date.(19) TONE switch — Press.b. Operate/Verify Modes.(1)Operate Mode.(a)Frequency mode selector switch —PRESET.(b)Channel selector switch — Set to 20.(c)Frequency selector switches — Enter220.000 MHz.(d)PRESET switch — Press. Radio set isnow programmed to operate in either normal mode oranti-jam mode.(2)Verify Mode.NOTEThis verification test only checks for presenceof a WOD with the corresponding date code.It does not check for the authenticity of theWOD segments entered.(a)Channel selector switch — Set to 20.(b)Frequency mode selector switch —MANUAL.(c)Frequency selector switches — Enterdate code to be verified.NOTEIf a single beep is not present for a particulardate code and the anti-jam mode is enteredusing that date, a constant warning tone willbe heard signifying that the anti-jam modeinitialization cannot be properly completed.(d)Channel selector switch — Set to 19,then back to 20. A single beep will be heard if WOD withthe date code in step (c) is present. c. Erase Mode.(1)Channel selector switch — Set to 20.(2)Frequency mode selector switch —PRESET.(3)Frequency selector switches — Enter220.050 MHz.(4)PRESET switch — Press.(5)Frequency mode selector switch —MANUAL.(6)TONE switch — Press. All MWODs arenow erased.d. Training Frequency Load. (1)Channel selector switch — Set to 20.(2)Frequency mode selector switch —PRESET.(3)Frequency selector switches — Enter220.075 MHz(4)PRESET switch — Press.(5)Frequency mode selector switch —MANUAL.(6)Frequency selector switches — Enterdesired training frequency.(7)TONE switch — Press. A single beepwill be heard.(8)The next frequency is loaded by enter-ing the next lower preset channel, selecting the nexttraining frequency, and pressing the TONE switch. Up to16 training frequencies may be entered. Following thisprocedure.
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