TM 1-1520-240-103-2-5Table 3-2-1. Have Quick II Additional FunctionsFrequency and UseFUNCTIONFREQUENCY USEOperate/verify220.000Places the radio inthe normal operat-ing mode and pro-vides for the verifi-cation of anMWODlogged for entereddate code.MWOD load220.025Enables the load-ing of MWOD’s.MWOD Erase220.050Enables the pilotto completelyerase the nonvola-tile memory con-taining theMWOD’s.FMT frequencyload220.075Enables the load-ing of training fre-quencies.MWOD data is stored in nonvolatile memory within theradio set. Seven memory locations are available for eachMWOD with the capability of storing a maximum of sixMWODs within the radio set. The channel selectors, themanual frequency selectors, and the tone button are uti-lized to load the required segments for each MWOD.Channel positions 20–14 are used to facilitate the load-ing of MWOD segments. A minimum of one WOD mustbe stored for the unit to be functional in the AJ mode.Channel position 14 is used for day-of-month information(date code). The date code is represented by frequency3AB.000 MHz in which AB is the day of the month. Forexample; if today’s date is the 15th of the month, the datecode entry would be 315.000 MHz. Channel position 1 isused for entering the current operational date is the sameas the date code format.When the radio is turned off or power is lost after entry ofMWOD and date code, the data is not lost; therefore, theinformation remains intact until manually changed or era-sed. The six most recently entered MWOD’s are retai-ned. If a MWOD with duplicate date is entered, the newentry takes precedence.After the MWOD information is entered, the pilot wouldproceed to obtain the TOD. Operational date informationis part of the HQII TOD message. If HQII TOD messageis unavailable, the pilot must manually enter the opera-tional date so the radio can select the proper MWOD. Ifpower is lost, operational date is lost and must be reen-tered.3-2-7. Time-of-Day.The TOD is essential for communicating in the AJ modewhich allows frequency-hopping at the same instant intime. Reception and transmission of the TOD is possiblein normal and AJ modes. The first TOD reception mustoccur in the normal mode.The radio automatically accepts the first TOD messageonce the predesignated frequency for TOD transmissionhas been entered and the T position of the hundredthmegahertz selector has been momentarily selected andreleased. Subsequent messages are ignored unless thepilot enables the radio to receive a new/updated TOD.The TOD contained in a radio may also be sent to otherradios similarly equipped.3-2-8. Net Number.The net number enables multiple station nets to operatesimultaneously on a noninterfering basis in AJ mode,while sharing a common WOD and TOD. The net numberbegins with the letter A and is followed by three digitsfrom 000 to 999. The last two digits of the display desig-nate how the radio is to function and/or the frequencyhopping table being used (Table 3-2-2). Net numberavailability is dependent on the operational mode of AJand is depicted in table 3-2-3.Table 3-2-2. Net SelectionTACTICAL00- Basic HAVE QUICK25- HAVE QUICK II NATO Hopset50- HAVE QUICK II non-NATO Hopset75- Not Used-Interrupted Fault ToneTRAINING00- Basic HAVE QUICK Training25- HAVE QUICK II Training50/75- Not Used - Interrupted Fault ToneTable 3-2-3. Net Type, Quantity, and FrequencyRangeTypes of NetsQuantityRange of NetsBasic HQ Training5 A00.000 – A00.400Basic HQ Tactical1000 A00.000 – A01.500HQ II Training16 A00.025 – A01.525HQ II Tactical1000 A00.0XX – A99.9XXNOTEAny selection of a net number outside therange indicated, for each type of net, will re-sult in the invalid number warning tone.
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