TM 1-1520-240-103-2-7CONTROLS/INDICATORFUNCTION100 MHz Control(A-3-2-T)Four position rotary controlswitchASelects anti-jam mode.3Hundreds digit of desired fre-quency while in the normalmode.2Hundreds digit of desired fre-quency while in the normalmode.TMomentary spring-return posi-tion which enables the radio toaccept a new TOD for up toone minute after selection.Also used in conjunction withthe tone button in the emer-gency startup of the TOD clockwhen TOD is not availablefrom external sources.10 MHz ControlTen position (0 through 9)rotary control used to selectsecond digit of operating fre-quency. When in AJ mode, itselects the first digit of netnumber.1 MHz ControlTen position (0 through 9)rotary control used to electthird digit of operating frequen-cy. When in AJ mode, it selectsthe second digit of net number.0.1 MHz ControlTen position (0 through 9)rotary control used to electfourth digit of operating fre-quency. When in AJ mode, itselects the third digit of netnumber.0.025 MHz ControlFour position rotary controlused to select fifth and sixthdigits of operating frequency.Operates in 0.025 MHz incre-ments. When in the AJ mode,it selects the appropriate fre-quency table within the radionet.Frequency DisplaySix digit display (200.000through 399.975) displays se-lected radio operating frequen-cy.CONTROLS/INDICATORFUNCTIONChannel SelectorUsed to select and display anyof the 20 preset radio frequen-cy channels.CHANDisplays selected preset chan-nel.PRESET Switch(Under channel/fre-quency card)Momentary contact switch.when depressed causes se-lected radio frequency enteredon frequency display to bestored in channel indicated onchannel display, in normal op-eration.3-2-11. Normal Operation – UHF-AM Have Quick IIRadio.The following steps provide operating procedures.a. Starting.(1)Interphone control panel — Set switches asfollows.(a)Receiver 2 switch — ON.(b)Function select — 2.(2)Function switch — MAIN or BOTH.(3)Mode selector — As required.(4)SQUELCH switch — As required.(5)VOL control — As required.b. Presetting Channels. Perform the following stepsto preset a channel to desired frequency.(1)Set the Frequency Mode Selector to PRE-SET.(2)Use the manual frequency selector switchesto select the frequency to be placed in memory.(3)Turn the preset channel control switch to thedesired channel number.(4)Raise the cover under the channel card.Press and release the PRESET switch. Close the cover.(5)Using a soft lead pencil, record the frequen-cy selected for the channel number on the card pro-vided.c. Stopping. Function switch — OFF.3-2-12. Anti-Jam Operation — UH-AM Have Quick IIRadio. The following steps provide AJ operating procedures.a. MWOD Loading.(1)Perform paragraph 3-2-11 Starting stepsa(1) and a (2).
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