TM 1-1520-240-10
The message ZEROED indicates a successful attempt
to erase information stored in the GPS receiver.
The message ZERO FAIL indicates an unsuccessful at-
tempt to erase the information. The GPS receiver re-
mains classified.
c. An alternate method to zeroize the GPS receiver
is to use the C-11702/UR and GPS Control Unit keyboard
as follows:
Select STAT page 1.
Enter ZZ on line 4, and push Line Select Key
If ZEROIZED message is displayed on
STAT Page 1, Line 2, the GPS receiver is declassified.
If ZERO FAIL message is displayed, zer-
oization was not successful and the GPS receiver re-
mains classified.
Figure 3-4-2. Remote GPS Data Loader Receptacle/KYK-13 Fill Panel