TM 1-1520-240-102-7-4 2-7-12. Transmission Chip Detectors Fuzz Burn-Off. Helicopters equipped with the chip detector fuzz burn-offsystem in the forward, combining (mix), aft, No.1 and No.2 engine transmission, and aft rotor shaft thrust bearingare identified by a module labeled PWR MDL CHIPBURN-OFF located below the MAINTENANCE PANEL.The chip detector fuzz burn-off system employs an oper-ated fuzz burn-off electrical circuit with the ability to elimi-nate nuisance automatically chip lights caused by minuteferrous metallic fuzz or ferrous metallic particles on thetransmission chip detectors. The response time of thefuzz burn-off circuit is more rapid than that of the helicop-ter warning system; thus a successful fuzz burn-off willbe accomplished before any caution capsule on the mas-ter caution panel illuminates. Should the particle or par-ticles not burn off, the XMSN CHIP DET caution will illu-minate. Also, the corresponding TRANSMISSION CHIPDETECTOR or ENGINE CHIP DETECTOR magneticindicator on the MAINTENANCE PANEL will latch. Pow-er for the PWR MDL CHIP BURN-OFF is supplied by theNo. 1 DC bus through the HYDRAULICS MAINT PNLcircuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.
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