TM 1-1520-240-102-9-1SECTION IX. UTILITY SYSTEMS2-9-1. Anti Icing Systems.Anti icing is provided for the pitot tubes, AFCS yaw ports,and pilot and copilot windshields. The center windshield isnot anti-iced, it is only defog.2-9-2. ANTI ICE Panel.The ANTI ICE panel is located on the overhead switchpanel (fig. 2-9-1). It has three two-position W/S (wind-shield) switches labeled CPLT, CTR, and PLT. Theswitches positions are OFF and ON. In addition, a two-position PITOT heat switch is in this panel. The switchpositions OFF and ON.Power for the pilot and center windshields is from the No.2 AC bus through the WSHLD ANTI ICE HEAT PILOTand CTR circuit breakers. Power for the copilot wind-shield is from the No. 1 AC bus through the WSHLDCOPLT HEAT circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP. Anti-icecontrol for the pilot and center windshield is from the28-volt No. 2 DC bus through the WSHLD ANTI ICECONT CTR and PILOT circuit breakers on the No. 2 PDP.Anti-ice control for the copilot windshield is from the28-volt No. 1 DC bus through the WSHLD COPLT CONTcircuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP. Power to operate theheater elements in the pitot tubes and yaw ports is sup-plied by the No. 2 AC bus through the PITOT HEAT andYAW PORT HEAT circuit breakers on the No. 2 PDP.a.W/S Switches. The pilot and copilot windshieldsare anti-iced and defogged electrically. The center wind-shield is defogged but not anti-iced. The laminated wind-shield panels are heated electrically by current whichpasses through a transparent conductive coating em-bedded between the layers.Figure 2-9-1. Anti Ice PanelCAUTIONIf windshield bubbling or delamination oc-curs around the sensor element, immedi-ately place switch to OFF for that wind-shield.When any switch is moved to ON, current flows to theassociated temperature controller and then to the wind-shield. As the temperature of the windshield rises to apreset value (about 44_), as sensed by the sensor ele-ment, the electrical current to the windshield is inter-rupted by the temperature control relay. Once the wind-shield has cooled sufficiently, electrical current isreapplied. This causes a cycling effect which maintainswindshield temperature within operating limits.Operating temperature is on in less than 1 minute afterthe switch is placed to on. When the switch is placed toOFF, the anti-icing system is deenergized.b.PITOT Heat Switch. Heating elements preventice accumulation in the pitot tubes and the yaw ports.When the PITOT switch is placed to ON, power to theheater elements in the pitot tubes and yaw ports is ap-plied. When the switch is placed to OFF, the heatingelements are deenergized.2-9-3. MAINTENANCE PANEL.The MAINTENANCE PANEL is on the right side of thecabin above the ramp (fig. 2-9-2). The panel is providedto assist in the identification of system malfunction orcondition that may require servicing or other mainte-nance. The panel is divided into four sections. They arelabeled TRANSMISSION, HYDRAULICS, ENGINE, andGROUND CONTACT.2-9-4. TRANSMISSION Section.This section monitors the FWD, COMB, AFT, AFTSHAFT, LEFT, and RIGHT transmissions. It consists ofsix CHIP DETECTOR magnetic indicators, six DEBRISSCREEN a magnetic indicators, six MAIN OIL PRESSindicating PRESS-TO-TEST lights, three AUX OILPRESS indicating PRESS-TO-TEST lights, and fiveOVERTEMP magnetic indicators. Power to operate theindicators is supplied by the No. 1 DC bus through theHYDRAULIC MAINT PNL circuit breaker on the No. 1PDP.a.CHIP DETECTOR Magnetic Indicators. Whenthe corresponding CHIP DETECTOR is bridged by fer-rous particles, the associated chip detector indicatorchanges from all-black to black-and-white. In addition,the XMSN CHIP DET or ENG CHIP DET caution capsuleilluminates on the master caution panel.
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