TM 1-1520-240-10
through the HYDRAULICS MAINT PNL LTS circuit
breaker on the No. 2 PDP.
PRESSURE Indicators. The FLT CONT NO. 1
and NO. 2 PRESSURE indicators are electrically connected
to a corresponding pressure transmitter on the respective
power control module. The UTILITY PRESSURE indicator
is electrically connected to a pressure transmitter on the
pressure control module. Indicator operation is independent
of caution capsule operation. Power to operate the indica-
tors is supplied by the No. 2 DC bus through the HY-
DRAULICS PRESS IND circuit breaker on the No. 2 PDP.
TEMPERATURE Indicators. The indicators are
below the PRESSURE indicators. They indicate the temper-
ature of the hydraulic fluid at the outlet of the corresponding
reservoir-cooler. Power to operate the indicators is supplied
by the No. 2 DC bus through the HYDRAULICS FLUID
TEMP circuit breaker on the No. 2 PDP.
RESERVOIR LEVEL Indicators. The left indicator
is dedicated to the No. 1 and No. 2 flight control hydraulics
system. In addition, a twoposition FLT CONT switch la-
beled NO. 1 and NO. 2 is used to select the system of which
the fluid level is to be indicated. The reservoir should be
serviced to the FULL mark before flight. The right indicator
is dedicated to the utility hydraulic system. When the push-
button LEVEL CHECK switch is pressed, the fluid level in
each reservoir-cooler will be indicated by the appropriate
FILTER CHANGE Indicating Lights. The indicat-
ing lights are arranged in three sets of two for each hydraulic
system. Each set of indicating lights are labeled PRESS and
RTN. The PRESS indicating light in each set monitors the
pressure line filter in each system. The RTN indicating light
monitors the return line filter in each system. When the
pressure drop across a filter exceeds 75 psi, indicating
impending filter bypass, the corresponding filter change indi-
cating light will illuminate. Power to operate the filter change
indicating lights is supplied by the No. 2 DC bus through the
HYDRAULICS MAINT PNL LTS circuit breaker on the No.
2 PDP.
PUMP FAULT Indicating Lights. The indicating
lights are labeled NO. 1, NO. 2, APU, and UT. They are
connected to sensors in the case drain line of each pump.
If the flow rate from the case drain of a pump increases to
the point which causes an increased pressure drop across
the sensor, the sensor turns on the corresponding PUMP
FAULT light ( a high flow rate from the case drain of a pump
may indicate impending pump failure). Power to operate the
lights is supplied by the No. 1 DC bus through the HY-
DRAULICS MAINT PNL circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.
This section consists of two magnetic indicators labeled
NO. 1 and NO. 2. When the corresponding ENGINE CHIP
DETECTOR is bridged by ferrous particles, the associated
chip detector indicator changes from all-black to black-and-
white. In addition, the ENG CHIP DET caution will illumi-
nate on the master caution panel.
2-9-7. GROUND CONTACT Section.
Should either or both GROUND CONTACT
indicating lights remain illuminated after
lift-off to hover, the indicated system(s)
DASH will not function properly in forward
flight. If both GROUND CONTACT indicat-
ing lights remain illuminated after lift-off,
the AUTO function of both cyclic trims
system will be inoperative.
This section consists of two indicating lights labeled L and
R. When the landing gear proximity switch is activated, the
appropriate GROUND CONTACT indicating light will illumi-
2-9-8. GND Switch.
While in flight, the flight engineer shall alert
the pilot when placing the GND switch on the
switch to TEST will cause the NO. 1 and NO.
XMSN CHIP DET cautions to illuminate.
The GND switch allows the flight engineer to perform a BITE
(Built In Test Equipment) test on the circuitry of the MAINTE-
NANCE PANEL. The switch is springloaded and locked at
center-off position. At TEST, a black and white display ap-
pears on all magnetic BITE indicators. At RESET, all mag-
netic BITE revert to an all-black indication. Power is supplied
to the switch by the No. 1 DC bus through the HY-
DRAULICS MAINT PNL circuit breaker No. 1 PDP.
2-9-9. Windshield Wipers.
To prevent windshield damage, do not op-
erate windshield wipers when windshield
are dry.
Two electrically driven windshield wipers (3, fig. 2-1-3) are
installed, one on each pilot windshield. One motor operates
both wipers through two flexible shafts and two windshield
wiper converters. The windshield wiper motor is controlled
by the W/S (windshield) WIPER switch located on the over-
head switch panel. Power is supplied by the No. 2 DC bus
through the WSHLD WIPER circuit breaker on the No. 2
The W/S WIPER switch has five positions labeled OFF,
SLOW, MED, FAST, and PARK. Wiper speed can be ad-
justed as desired, by rotating the switch from OFF. At OFF,
the wipers will stop immediately at any position on the arc