TM 1-1520-240-102-9-4 of travel. At PARK, the wipers stop and reposition against theinside windshield frame.2-9-10. Map and Data Case.The map and data case is in the passageway. It holdsmanuals, maps and other data.2-9-11. Cockpit Rearview Mirror.A rearview mirror is installed on the right center wind-shield support to enable the pilot to observe the cargocompartment.2-9-12. Spare Lamp Stowage Box.The spare lamp stowage box is in the cockpit on top ofthe No. 1 PDP. Spare lamps are provided for the instru-ment post lights, instrument light shields, dome lights,cabin and ramp lights, and nacelle work lights.2-9-13. Cockpit Utility Receptacles.Two 28-volt DC utility receptacles are in the cockpit, oneon No. 1 PDP and one on No. 2 PDP. Each receptacle islabeled UTIL RCPT 28V DC. Power to operate the copilotreceptacle is supplied by the No. 1 DC bus through theUTILITY COPLT circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP. Powerto operate the pilot receptacle is supplied by the No. 2 DCbus through the UTILITY RCPT PILOT circuit breaker onthe No. 2 PDP.2-9-14. AC Cabin Utility Receptacles.A 115 volt, single-phased 400 Hz AC utility receptacleand a 200 volt 3-phase 400 Hz AC utility receptacle areon each side of the cabin at sta 320. The receptacles areaccessible after the acoustical access cover and the re-ceptacle dust cap are removed. Power to operate the 115volt receptacles is supplied by the No. 1 and No. 2 ACbuses through the LH and RH UTIL RCPT circuit break-ers on the No. 1 and No. 2 PDP. Power to operate the 200volt receptacles is supplied by the No. 1 and No. 2 ACbusses through the LH and RH CABIN AC RCPT3-phase circuit breakers on the No. 1 and No. 2 PDP.2-9-15. DC Cabin Utility Receptacles.Four 28-volt DC utility receptacles with three outlets areon the sidewalls of the cargo compartment. Power tooperate the left cabin utility receptacles is supplied by theNo. 1 DC bus through the UTILITY LH FWD and LH AFTcircuit breakers on the No. 1 PDP. Power to operate theright cabin utility receptacles is supplied by the No. 2 DCbus through the UTILITY RCPT RH AFT and RH FWDcircuit breakers on the No. 2 PDP.2-9-16. Ash Trays.Three ash trays may be installed in the cockpit, one foreach pilot and one for the troop commander.2-9-17. Compass Correction Card Holder.The magnetic compass correction card holder is at-tached to the left side of the magnetic compass. The cardcontains the necessary deviation values which are ap-plied to the indicated reading.2-9-18. Pilot Assist Straps.Two assist straps are attached to the center windowframe of the cockpit structure to provide the pilots with ahand hold while getting into the seats. The assist strapscan be positioned flat against the structure after use.
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