TM 1-1520-240-102-11-3/(2-11-4 blank)2-11-7. BATT Switch.NOTEThe following information applies only if thebattery is the only source of power.The BATT (battery) switch is located on the ELEC panelof the overhead switch panel (fig. 2-11-2).The two-posi-tion switch is labeled ON and OFF.When the switch isON, the essential, switched battery, and hot batterybuses are energized.Regardless of the battery switchposition, the switched battery and hot battery buses arepowered directly by the battery.To prevent extensive dis-charging of the battery while making extended groundchecks of equipment, use an external electrical powersource or operate the APU generator.2-11-8. RECT OFF Cautions.Two RECT caution capsules labeled 712 NO. 1 RECTOFF and NO. 2 RECT OFF, 714A RECT 1 and RECT2 are on the master caution/advisory panel ( 712 fig.2-14-5, 714A fig. 2-14-6).These caution capsules arecontrolled by the reverse-current cutouts.Whenever oneof the RECTS fail, either through a fault in the RECT ora bus fault, the respective caution illuminates.Power tooperate the transformer rectifier caution capsules is sup-plied by the DC essential bus through the LIGHTINGCAUTION PNL circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.2-11-9. BATT SYS MAL Caution.A battery system malfunction caution capsule labeledBATT SYS MAL is on the master caution panel (fig.2-14-5 and 2-14-6).this caution illuminates when the bat-tery charger has stopped charging the battery.This canbe caused by an overheated battery or battery charger,battery cell imbalance, or an output short or open cir-cuit.Power to operate the capsule is supplied by the DCessential bus through the LIGHTING CAUTION PNL cir-cuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.
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