TM 1-1520-240-102-13-1SECTION XIII. LIGHTING2-13-1. Position Lights.Three position lights (1, 4, and 6, fig. 2-13-1) are installedon the helicopter. On the right side of the fuselage is agreen light (1); on the left, red (6); and on the verticalpanel of the aft pylon, white (4). Power to operate theposition lights is supplied by the No. 2 DC bus through theLIGHTING POS circuit breaker on the No. 2 PDP.2-13-2. Position Light Switches.a.POSN Light Switch. The POSN (position)switches located on the EXT LTG (exterior lighting) panelon the left side of the overhead switch panel (fig. 2-1-10).The three position switch is labeled DIM, OFF, and BRT.It adjusts the intensity of the position lights. When theswitch is OFF, the position light system is deenergized.NOTEThe crew chief must inform the pilot when theAFT POS LIGHT switch has been changed tothe OFF position.b.AFT POS LIGHT Switch. The AFT POS LIGHTswitch is located in the cabin at sta. 534 near the MAIN-TENANCE PANEL (fig. 2-13-4). The guarded two-posi-tion switch is labeled OFF and ON. It allows the aft posi-tion light to be turned off during aided (NVG) operationsand on during unaided night operations.2-13-3. Formation Lights.There are five electroluminescent panels for normalnight formation operations (2 and 5, fig. 2-13-1) and eightNVG compatible formation lights for NVG formation op-erations (9, fig. 2-13-1)Figure 2-13-1. Exterior Lights
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