TM 1-1520-240-102-13-52-13-13. PLT and CPLT INST Switches.The PLT INST (pilot instrument) control switch is locatedon the PLT LTG panel on the right side of the overheadswitch panel (fig. 2-13-2). The CPLT INST (copilot instru-ment ) control switch is located on the CPLT INST panelon the left side of the overhead switch panel. The rotarycontrol switches are labeled OFF, DIM, and BRT. Theyadjust the light level from DIM to BRT. When the rotarycontrol switch is OFF, the respective instrument panellight system is deenergized.When the PLT INST rotary control switch is placed out ofthe OFF detent, the following lighting is dimmed:a.Troop warning jump lights on the overhead switchpanel and on the emergency troop alarm and jump lightsboxes on the cargo compartment.b.The legend on pushbutton switches on the head-ing and altitude section of the AFCS panel.c.The legend on the pushbutton switches on thepilot and copilot HSI MODE SELECT panels.d.The legend on STATUS pushbutton switch on thecountermeasure set AN/ALQ-156 control panel.2-13-14. Center Instrument Panel Lights.The center instrument panel as well as the fire warningpanel are lighted. Power to operate and control the cen-ter instrument panel lights is supplied by the No. 2 AC busthrough the LIGHTING CTR INSTR circuit breaker on theNo. 2 PDP.2-13-15. CTR INST Switch.The CTR INST control switch is located on the PLT LTGpanel on the right side of the overhead switch panel (fig.2-13-2). The rotary control switch is labeled OFF, DIM,and BRT. It adjusts the light level from DIM to BRT. Whenthe rotary control switch is OFF, the respective instru-ment panel light system is deenergized.2-13-16. Canted and Center Console Lights.NOTESome console lights are incompatible withNVG. During NVG operations, turn the incom-patiable console lights off and light the con-sole with utility lights or floodlights.Lighting is provided for all control panels on the cantedand center console. Power to operate and control theconsole lights is supplied by the No. 1 AC bus through theLIGHTING CONSOLE circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.2-13-17. LTG Panel. The LTG panel is located at therear of the overhead switch panel (fig. 2-13-2). It consistsof the CTR CSL and STICK POSN IND control switches.a.CTR CSL Switch. Rotary control switch labeledOFF, DIM, and BRT. It adjusts the light level on the cantedand center consoles from DIM to BRT. When the rotarycontrol switch is OFF, the canted and center consoleslight system is deenergized.b.Stick POSN IND Switch. Rotary control switchlabeled OFF, DIM, and BRT. It adjusts the light level onthe stick position indicator from DIM to BRT. When therotary control switch is OFF, the stick position indicatorlight system is deenergized.2-13-18. Dome Lights.WARNINGIf the white dome light is turned on duringNVG operations, the effectiveness of theNVG may be severely impaired and a haz-ardous situation may be created due tosudden loss of pilot visual references. Donot turn on the white dome lights duringNVG operations.Two cockpit dome lights are attached to the overheadstructure adjacent to the overhead switch panel (fig.2-13-2). Each dome contains a white lamp and a blueNVG filtered lamp which can be selected individually.Power to operate and control the dome lights is suppliedby the DC essential bus through the LIGHTING COCK-PIT DOME circuit breaker on the No. 2 PDP.2-13-19. DOME Switch.The DOME switch is located on the INTR LTG panel atthe right rear of the overhead switch panel (fig. 2-13-2).The three-position positive-locking switch is labeledWHT, OFF, and NVG. It selects the function of the domelight. The center position lever locking switch preventsinadvertent white light activation during NVG operations.When the DOME switch is placed to WHT, the mastercaution panel cannot be dimmed. If WHT is selectedwhile the caution panel is operating on DIM, the cautionlights will automatically switch to BRT mode. During NVGoperations, the DOME switch should only be placed toNVG.2-13-20. Pilot and Copilot Utility Lights.Two utility lights, connected to individual flexible cords, aremounted in two retaining sockets on either side of the over-head switch panel above the pilot and copilot (fig. 2-13-2).The lights are detachable and can be moved about to takecare of special lighting situations. Each utility light has arheostat switch as an integral part of its assembly. Thisswitch, located on the aft part of the light, regulates theintensity of the light from OFF to BRT. Power to operate theutility light is supplied by the No. 2 DC bus through theLIGHTING COCKPIT DOME circuit breaker on the No. 2PDP.2-13-21. Floodlights.Eight floodlights provide a secondary source of light (fig.2-13-2). Six are under the glareshield and two on the cockpit
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