TM 1-1520-240-102-13-9/(2-13-10 blank)2-13-28. Forward Transmission Oil Level CheckLights.The forward transmission floodlight provides light tocheck the oil level of the transmission. The floodlight isnear the sight gage on the transmission. Power to oper-ate and control the oil level check light is supplied by theswitched battery bus through the LIGHTING OIL LEVELCHECK circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.2-13-29. Oil Level Check Light Switch.The OIL LEVEL CHECK LT SW is inside the cockpit onthe canted bulkhead at sta. 95 above the pilot seat. it isa two-position switch labeled ON and OFF. When placedto ON, the oil check light turns on by the forward trans-mission.2-13-30. Cargo Hook Lights.Three NVG compatible lights are mounted on the bottomof the fuselage at stations 244, 313, and 404. Theselights are directed towards the forward, center, and aftcargo hooks and provide lighting during night externalload operations. The lights are controlled by the cargohook lighting panel switches marked FWD, CTR, andAFT located in the center hook cargo by at station 360(fig. 2-13-4). The two position switches (ON and OFF)receive power from the NO. 1 DC bus through the LIGHT-ING CARGO HOOK circuit breaker located on the NO. 1power distribution panel.
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