TM 1-1520-240-10
bulkhead. The six floodlights under the glareshield light the
pilot, center, and copilot instrument panel. The two overhead
floodlights light the overhead switch panel. Power to operate
and control the floodlights is supplied by the DC essential
bus through the LIGHTING INSTR FLOOD circuit breaker
on the No. 2 PDP.
The FLOOD switches are located on the INTR LTG panel
at the right rear of the overhead switch panel (fig. 2-13-2).
They consist of two floodlight selection switches and a rotary
control switch. The floodlight selection switches are labeled
INST and OVHD. Each switch has an OFF and ON position.
The rotary control switch is labeled OFF, DIM, and BRT.
Switches. Each switch is labeled for the area the floodlights
will light. By placing either switch ON, the associated flood-
lights will light when the rotary control switch is turned toward
BRT. Placing the switch to OFF deenergizes the floodlight
Floodlight Rotary Control Switch. The rotary con-
trol switch is used to adjust the floodlights from DIM to BRT
once the respective floodlight selection switch is placed to
ON. When the rotary control switch is OFF, the floodlights
will be deenergized.
2-13-23. Emergency Floodlights.
If the pilot flight instrument lights have been turned on, loss
of electrical power will cause the floodlights to automatically
come on. All floodlights will function automatically in the BRT
mode. Simultaneous dimming control of all floodlights can
be regained by setting the FLOOD INST and OVHD selec-
tion switches to ON, turning the floodlight rotary control
switch to BRT on the INTR LTG panel, and turning the PLT
INST rotary control switch to OFF. Floodlight intensity can be
controlled by the floodlight rotary control switch on the INTR
LTG panel.
2-13-24. Cabin and Ramp Lights.
Five cabin and ramp lights are in the cabin, attached to the
overhead structure (fig, 2-13-4). Each light contains an NVG
blue lamp and a white lamp which can be selected individu-
ally. Power to operate and control the cabin and ramp lights
is supplied by the switched battery bus through the LIGHT-
ING CABIN & RAMP circuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.
2-13-25. CABIN AND RAMP LIGHTS Switches.
If the white CABIN and RAMP LIGHTS are
turned on during NVG operations, the ef-
fectiveness of the NVG may be severely
impaired and a hazardous situation may
be created due to sudden loss of pilot
visual references.
The CABIN and RAMP LIGHTS switches are located on a
control panel below the ramp control lever. The control panel
consists of a select switch and a CONTROL rotary switch.
Select Switch. Three-position toggle switch la-
beled WHITE, OFF, and NVG. It is used to select the ap-
propriate cabin and ramp lights. When placed to OFF, cabin
and ramp lights are deenergized.
CONTROL Switch. Rotary switch labeled DIM
and BRT. It adjusts the cabin and ramp White or NVG light
level from DIM to BRT.
2-13-26. Emergency Exit Lighting.
Three emergency exit lights are in the cargo compartment
close to each of the three primary emergency exits (fig.
2-13-3). They are located by the main cabin door, the emer-
gency exit opposite the main cabin door, and the ramp
emergency exit. The lights come on whenever a loss of
power on the switched battery bus occurs or during a land-
ing when 3 to 4gs are exceeded as sensed by an inertia
The emergency exit lights system is controlled by the EMER
EXIT switch on the INTR LTG panel of the overhead switch
panel. The lights may also be used as portable lamps by
removing them from their housing and by rotating the han-
dle, marked PULL EMERGENCY LIGHT, 45_ from its nor-
mal position. Power to operate the emergency exit lights is
supplied by two internal, 1.25 volt, nickel-cadmium batteries.
Power to operate and control the charging, monitoring, and
test circuit is supplied by the switched battery bus through
the LIGHTING EMER EXIT circuit breaker on the No.1 PDP.
2-13-27. EMER EXIT Switch.
If the EMER EXIT switch is left in ARM or
DISARM with the helicopter shutdown and
the battery connected, the charging cir-
cuit of the emergency exit light system will
discharge the helicopter battery.
Prior to turning the BATT switch OFF, place the EMERG
EXIT switch to DISARM then set to TEST. The EMER EXIT
switch is located on the INTR LTG panel of the overhead
switch panel (fig. 2-13-2). The three-position switch is
labeled DISARM, TEST, and ARM. When the switch is
placed to ARM, the emergency exit lights stay off, the
batteries are charging, and the charge indicator lights come