TM 1-1520-240-102-13-32-13-10. Overhead Switch Panel Lights.The overhead switch panel has integral lighting. Power tooperate and control the overhead panel lights is supplied bythe No. 1 AC bus through the LIGHTING OVHD PNLcircuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.2-13-11. OVHD CSL Switch.The OVHD CSL (overhead console) switch is located ontehe CPLT LTG panel on the left side of the overheadswitch (fig. 2-13-2). The rotary control switch is labeledOFF, DIM, and BRT. It adjusts the light level from DIM toBRT. When the rotary control switch is OFF, the overheadswitch panel light system is deenergized.2-13-12. Pilot and Copilot Instrument Panel Lights.All flight instruments and placards on both pilot and copi-lot instrument panels receive lighting. The HSI, attitudeindicator (VGI), radar altimeter, and turn and slip indica-tor for both pilot and copilot have integral lighting. Theremaining instruments are externally lit by lighting postsadjacent to the instruments. Power to operate and con-trol the pilot flight instrument lights is supplied by the No.2 AC bus through the LIGHTING PILOT INSTR circuitbreaker on the No. 2 PDP. Power to operate and controlthe copilot flight instrument lights is supplied by the No.1 AC bus through the LIGHTING COPLT INST circuitbreaker on the No. 1 PDP.
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