TM 55-1520-240-T8 - 1 . 4 P I T O T S T A T I C S Y S T E M O P E R A T I O N A L C H E C K ( C o n t i n u e d)8 - 1 . 4T A S KR E S U LTPITOT SYSTEM CHECK12.13.14.Do not apply vacuum to pitotlines. Damage to airspeed indica-tors can result.At both AFCS computers disconnect and capoff both pitot tube compression sleeve fittings.Connect tester (13) to both pitot masts (4 andAirspeed shall not decrease more than 10knotsin55) and adjustof 150knotsoff pressure.pressure for an airspeed indicationminutes.If it does leak, go to task 8-1.13.on tester airspeed indicator. ShutNOTEAirspeed must be corrected for tes-ter leak rate. Refer to TM 55-4920-231-14.If PITOT system does not leak andthere is a log book entry indicating apitot leak, check AFCS computer insuspected system and replace AFCScomputer.Disconnect tester (13) from both pitot masts (4and 5). Remove caps and connect compressionsleeve fittings to their respective AFCS com-puters.8-8Change 4
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