TM 55-1520-240-T8-1.4 PITOT STATIC SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)8 - 1 . 4T A S KR E S U L TSIDESLIP LEAK TEST15. holes in sideslip ports (6, 7, 8, and9). Use barrier material (C67) and securewith masking tape (C337).Disconnect NO. 1 AFCS left and rightsideslip tubes from computer. Connect tovacuum port on tester (13).Adjust vacuum at a rate less than 3,000feetperminuteuntil tester (13) altimeterreads 20.000 feet.Remove tester (13) from NO. 1 AFCS leftand right sideslip tubes and connect totheir respective fittings on NO. 1 AFCScomputer.Disconnect NO. 2 AFCS left and rightsideslip tubes from computer. Connect tovacuum port on tester.Adjust vacuum at a rate less than 3,000feetperminuteuntil tester (13) altimeterreads 20,000feet.Remove tester (13) from NO. 2 AFCS leftand right sideslip tubes and connect totheir respective fittings on NO. 2 AFCScomputer.Remove tape and barrier material from all foursideslip portsShut off vacuum pressure. Tester (13) altimeterreadings shall not decrease more than 2,000feetin5minutes. If it does, go to task 8-1.14.Shut off vacuum pressure. Tester (13) altimeterreadings shall not decrease more than 2,000feetin5minutes. If it does, go to task 8-1.14.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffElectronic Compartment Acoustic Blanket InstalledEND OF TASKChange 48-9
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