TM 55-1520-240-T16-1.4 EXTERNAL CARGO HOOK SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)16-1.4TASKRESULTWhen manual release has beenpulled, do not press any CARGOHOOK RELEASE switch or EMERGswitch. Damage to cargo hookcan occur.53. Withoutconnect dial indicating scaleCenter cargo hook shall open and drop load. Dial in- to center cargo hook manual release han-dicating scale shall indicate less than 20 poundsdle (26). Pull up dial indicating scale.when center cargo hook opens. MID HOOK OPENcapsule (12) and both master caution lights (24) shallcome on. If hook does not open or dial indicatingscale reads more than 20 pounds before hookopens, go to task 16-1.29. If MID HOOK OPEN cap-sule (12) does not come on, go to task 16-1.24.GO TO NEXT PAGEChange 916-16.1/(16-16.2 blank)
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