TM 55-1520-240-T16-1.4 EXTERNAL CARGO HOOK SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK(Continued) down on forward and aft cargo hookload beams (23).Set MASTER switch (1) to RESET, thento OFF.Turn forward cargo hook manual release(29) counterclockwise. Pull down andhold open load beam (23).Slowly move forward cargo hook loadbeam (23) up towards closed position.Manually relatch forward cargo hook.Pull down on load beam (23).Set MASTER switch (1) to RESET, thento OFF.Turn aft cargo hook manual release (29)counterclockwise. Pull down and holdopen load beam (23).Slowly move aft cargo hook load beam(23) up towards closed position.Both hooks shall remain closed. If a hook opens,pull load beam (23) to full open position andrelease it. Hook should then relatch.Capsules (11 and 13) and master caution lights(24) shall go out. Forward and aft cargo hooksshall remain closed.FWD HOOK OPEN capsule (11) and both mastercaution lights (24) shall come on.FWD HOOK LOADED light (5) shall flash on justbefore hook is fully closed. If it does not, go to task16-1.30.Forward cargo hook shall not open. If it does, re-Iatch it.FWD HOOK OPEN capsule (11) and master cau-tion lights (24) shall go out.AFT HOOK OPEN capsule (13) and both mastercaution lights (24) shall come on.AFT HOOK LOADED light (6) shall flash on justbefore hook is fully closed. If it does not, go to task16-1.30.16-1.416-18Change 9GO TO NEXT PAGE
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