TM 55-1520-240-T16-1.4 EXTERNAL CARGO HOOK SYSTEM OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)16-1.4TASKRESULT68. Manually relatch aft cargo hook. Pull down on loadAft cargo hook shall not open.beam (23).69. Set MASTER switch (1) to RESET, then to OFF. AFT HOOK OPEN capsule (13) and master caution lights(24) shall go out.70. Suspend one 20-25 pound load from each load beam(23) on forward and aft cargo hooks.71. Turn manual release (29) counter-clockwise on for-Each cargo hook shall open when its release (29) isward and aft cargo hooks and release it.turned and relatch closed. If load is not released, replacecargo hook.72. Manually move forward cargo hook full forward.Clearance between cable ball end (30) and arm (31) shallVisually check clearance between cable ball end (30) be 0to3/16inch. If it is not, adjust clearance. (TMand arm (31). Move cargo hook full aft. Visually55-1520-240-23.)check clearance between cable ball end and arm.Release cargo hook.WARNINGFailure to perform following step canresuit in loss of external loads whenlateral sway occurs resulting inpersonnel injury or death.73. Attach 15-foot rope to forward cargo hook load beamForward cargo hook shall not open. If it does, check(23). Pull hook full left, then full right. Visually checktandem hook release rigging. Adjust as required. (TMclearance between cable ball and arm at both ex- 55-1520-240-23). Clearance between cable ball end (30)tremes. Use inspection mirror. Remove rope. and arm (31) shall be 0to3/16inch. If it is not, adjustclearance (TM 55-1520-240-23).74. Visually check position of linkage (32), and compare it If linkage position is UNLOCKED, replace cargo hook.with placard (33).75. Repeat steps 71 through 74 on aft cargo hook.76. With 35visually check clearance between centerClearance between cable ball end (34) and quadrant (35)cargo hook control cable ball end and quadrant.shall be 0to3/32inch. If it is not, adjust clearance(TM 55-1520-240-23).FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery disconnected.Electrical power off.Hydraulic power off.Center cargo hook serviced.Center cargo hook stowed.Center cargo hook access panel closed.END OF TASKChange 23 16-19
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