TM 55-1560-307-13&PTable 2-6. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesPROCEDURES:B-BEFORECHECK FOR ANDA-AFTERHAVE REPAIREDITEMW-WEEKLYITEMS TO BEOR CORRECTEDEQUIPMENT IS NOTNO.BAWINSPECTEDAS NECESSARYREADY AVAILABLE IF:NOTEWithin designatedinterval, thesechecks are to beperformed in theorder listed.1o Fuel FilterEnsure that fuelfilter is installed.Inspect filter andclean thoroughly .2o 600 GallonFilled to capacity ofTanks580 gallons. Checkcapacity indicated byliquid level indicators.Check securityof filler port cap,access door, andvent valve.3oFuel SampleDrain fuel sampleFuel samples show anyfrom each tank tokind of contamination.check for contaminants.4oHoses, Fittings Inspect for security,Loose connections, fuelleaks, damage. Checkleaks are evident. Anti-for antichaffing padschaffing pads need to beinstallation, security replaced or installed,and condition. or if chaffing of lineshas occurred.5oTiedownEnsure that strapsare securing tanks tocabin floor as required.6oBonding JumpersInspect for security,& Electricalproper installationHarnessesto tanks and damage.2-32
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