TM 55-1560-307-13&PSection VII. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS2-21.OPERATION IN UNUSUAL WEATHER . TheERFS system can be installed and operated in climaticconditions that are acceptable to aircraft operations.WARNINGInstalling the non-crashworthy ERFSincreases the potential for thermalinjuries during a crash sequence.Therefore, the number of personnel onboard the aircraft will be kept to theminimum required to perform therequired mission. Additionally, allpersonnel are required to be seated witha lap belt during flight.2-22. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. The ERFS is asystem designed with redundant capabilities to ensuresystem reliability in flight.a.In the event of an inflight fuel leak due to amanifold seal malfunction the dust cover seal can beused to replace the manifold seal.b.Leaks in the ERFS fuel manifold system can beisolated by using the coupling shutoff characteristics.c.Failure of pumps. If both pumps feeding oneside of the aircraft fail (pumps 1 and 2), use theseprocedures:(1) Place the override switch in the ON position.(2) If pumps 1 and 2 are still inoperative, turnthem OFF. Continue pumping operations with pumps 3and 4 until all ferry fuel is transferred. Since fuel is onlybeing pumped to one side of the aircraft, fuelmanagement via the cross-feed method will be required.(3) Repeat procedure in same manner if pumps3 and 4 were to fail.d.If pump switch fails to stay ON in flight, check tosee that the FMCP pump circuit breaker is in and turnthe override switch on. If the pump switch still fails tostay ON, turn the effected pump OFF. If all pumpswitches fail, abort mission.2-35/(2-36 Blank)
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