TM 55-1560-307-13&PTable 2-6. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesPROCEDURES:B-BEFORECHECK FOR ANDA-AFTERHAVE REPAIREDITEMW-WEEKLYITEMS TO BEOR CORRECTEDEQUIPMENT IS NOTNO.BAWINSPECTEDAS NECESSARYREADY AVAILABLE IF:15oERFSCheck entire system Any fuel leaks arefor fuel leaks. Each evident.line individually.Close all cam leversafter leak check.16oLow LevelElectrical connection.Warning LightPress to test warninglight.17oCircuitAll breakers in withBreakerspower on.Section VI. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS2-16.ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE.a.Refer to Section I for unpack- aging.b.Refer to Section III for assembly and installationinstructions.c.Refer to Section IV, Use of Controls andIndicators and Power ON-OFF Procedures, for electricalpower application.2-17.INITIAL ADJUSTMENTS, DAILY CHECKS,AND SELF-TEST. Refer to PMCS.2-18.OPERATING PROCEDURE. Refer to Chapter2, paragraph 2-12.2-19.OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT .The ERFS electrical power supply is provided by anexternal APU generator, the aircraft APU, or theaircraft's main generators with the engines running.2-20.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ON DECALSAND INSTRUCTION PLATES . Refer to Section IV,Figure 2-24.2-34
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