TM 55-1560-307-13&PTable 2-6. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesPROCEDURES:B-BEFORECHECK FOR ANDA-AFTERHAVE REPAIREDITEMW-WEEKLYITEMS TO BEOR CORRECTEDEQUIPMENT IS NOTNO.BAWINSPECTEDAS NECESSARYREADY AVAILABLE IF:7ooFMCPInstalled properly onBreakers, switches,No. 1 tank, alllamps are notcircuit breakers inoperating properly.pump and overrideswitches OFF.8oPanel PowerPlugged into properCordsutility receptacle.9o Panel LampsAircraft electricalpower turned ON,press to test lamps.10oFuel PumpsTurn No. 1 pump ON,ensure that the ONlight illuminates andthat pump is running.11ooPump SwitchesCheck that each pumpSwitches do not engageswitch remains engagedand remain engaged.after pressureswitch has verifiedpump operation on allpumps. Turn allpumps OFF.12oOverrideTurn override switchOverride switch isSwitchON, momentarily turninoperative or willFunctionon any one pump.not hold on detent.Pump should be operative;if pump is notoperative, overrideswitch is defective.13oVent LinesCheck for obviousdamage and securityto aircraft ventsystem.14oCam Lever Open valve on eachtank (one tank individually).2-33
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