TM 55-1560-307-13&PCHAPTER 3MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT3-1.COMMON TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT . Forauthorized common tools and equipment, refer to themodified table of organization and equipment (MTOE)applicable to your unit.3-2.SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORTEQUIPMENT.a.When special tools, TMDE, and/or supportequipment are required, they will be listed in the repairparts and special tools list (RPSTL), Appx C.b.Refer to Appx E for fabricated items.3-3.REPAIR PARTS. Repair parts are listed andillustrated in Appx C.NOTEOrder any decal you need using CAGEand P/N listed in TM 55-1560- 307-13&P.Order on a DD Form 1348-6 from RICB16.Section II. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT3-4.UNPACKING. Refer to Chapter 2, paragraph 2-2.3-5.CHECKING UNPACKED EQUIPMENT .Inspect the ERFS for obvious damage or shortagesincurred during packing or shipment. Damage orshortages should be reported on a SF 361, Discrepancyin Shipment Report.3-6.TOOLS, TEST EQUIPMENT, ANDMATERIALS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION . Referto maintenance allocation chart (MAC), Appx B.3-7.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS . Refer toChapter 2, Section III, for installation of the ERFS andsystem components.Section III. TROUBLESHOOTING3-8.SCOPE. This section contains troubleshootinginformation for locating and correcting mostmalfunctions which may develop with the ERFS. Eachmalfunction is presented in logic tree format and thetests, inspections, and corrective actions should beperformed in the order as listed. If a malfunction is notlisted or cannot be corrected by the corrective actionslisted, consult with next higher level of maintenance.3-9. ERFS TROUBLESHOOTING. Performoperational procedures applicable to the fuel tanks inChapter 2, Figure 2-20, to determine malfunctionsymptom prior to performing the troubleshootingprocedure. Correct malfunctions using thetroubleshooting procedures on the following pages.Refer to Figures FO-1 and FO-2 for wiring diagram andwire chart.3-1
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