TM 1-1520-240-102-15-2 2-15-6. Single-Point Pressure Refueling.The pressure refueling control panel and nozzle recep-tacle are on the right side of the helicopter above theforward landing gear (fig. 2-4-6). The landing gear ac-cess cover must be opened to expose the panel andreceptacle. A nozzle grounding adapter is located on thestructure adjacent to the receptacle.a.Be sure the helicopter is at least 50 feet from anyhangar or structure.b.Be sure the refueling unit is at least 10 feet fromthe helicopter.c.Electrically ground the helicopter and refuelingunit as follows:(1)Connect one end of ground cable to the aftlanding gear eyebolt or to the jack on the right side of thefuselage at sta 115. Connect the other end to a groundingrod or ramp ground point. Be sure the cable has no bro-ken strands and the clips are securely attached to thecable and ground points.(2)Be sure the fueling unit is grounded to thesame ground point as the helicopter.d.At the cockpit overhead Fuel CONTR panel, setREFUEL STA switch to ON.CAUTIONBe sure the fueling station fuel quantityindicator is operating before pressure fue-ling. If the indicator is not operating, thefuel shutoff valves cannot be checkedproperly and fuel cell overpressurizationmay result.e.Open the right forward landing gear access paneland perform the following check:(1)Set the PWR switch to ON. Check that bothREFUEL VALVE POSN lights momentarily illuminate,then extinguish. If either light illuminates and does notextinguish, the associated refueling valve has failed andfuel will not flow into that aft auxiliary tank. If the fuel in thistank is required to complete the mission, notify mainte-nance.(2)If required, set the LIGHT switch to ON.(3)Set the FUEL QUANTITY selector switch toTOTAL.(4)Set the ALL TEST switch to PRI OFF.(5)Connect the grounding wire to the ground-ing receptacle and connect the fueling nozzle to theadapter.CAUTIONIf either the primary or secondary floatswitch for any tank is inoperative, do notpressure refuel that tank unless the fuelcap is removed to prevent possible fuelcell over-pressurization. If both switchesare inoperative, do not pressure refuel thehelicopter. In addition, if both floatswitches are inoperative for either maintank, the system must be repaired beforeflight to prevent fuel cell over-pressure.(6)Open the flow control valve on the nozzle.Check that fuel flow stops within 4 seconds. A smallamount of fuel will continue to flow through the opensecondary ports.(7)Set the ALL TEST switch to SEC OFF.Check that fuel flow stops within 4 seconds. A smallamount of fuel will continue to flow through the openprimary ports.f.If all tanks are to be filled, set the ALL TESTswitch to FLOW. All tanks will now fill independently.Rotate the FUEL QUANTITY selector switch, checkingeach tank for proper fill and quantity. Shutoff valves ineach tank will close and stop fuel flow as each tank fills.g.When refueling is completer, close the flow con-trol valve.h.If tanks are to be partially or selectively filled, besure to perform steps e. (6) and e. (7), then proceed asfollows:(1)Set the six FUEL CELL SHUT OFF VALVETEST switches to PRI OFF.(2)Set the ALL TEST switch to FLOW.(3)Rotate the FUEL QUANTITY selectorswitch to the tank to be filled. The indicator pointer willindicate tank fuel quantity.(4)Set the FUEL CELL SHUTOFF VALVETEST switch of the tank to be filled to FLOW.(5)Open the flow control valve.(6)When the desired fuel level is reached, setthe FUEL CELL SHUTOFF VALVE TEST switch to PRIOFF.(7)Repeat steps (3), (4), AND (6) on each tankuntil the desired amount of fuel is in each tank. (8)Close the flow control valve and disconnectthe nozzle and ground cable.i.Set the PWR switch to OFF. Check that the RE-FUEL VALVE POSN lights momentarily illuminate, thenextinguish. If either light does not illuminate on, thenextinguish, the fuel in that aft auxiliary tank is unusable.Notify maintenance.j.Close the landing gear access door.
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