TM 1-1520-240-102-15-1SECTION XV. SERVICING, PARKING, AND MOORING2-15-1. General.This section contains instructions on servicing, parking,and mooring the helicopter. These instructions includeonly those tasks which a flight crew may be expected toperform when away from a military maintenance supportactivity. Diagrams and tables are provided depicting ser-vicing points, materials and walkways.2-15-2. Servicing.Safe walkway areas, no step areas, and no hand holdsare depicted in Figure 2-15-1. Servicing points are de-picted in Figure 2-15-2. Table 2-15-1 lists the approvedmaterials, specifications and capabilities. Table 2-15-2lists commercial equivalents for oils.2-15-3. Fuel Types.The following describe the various types of fuel.a.Army Standard Fuels. JP-8 is the Army-desig-nated primary fuels adopted for worldwide use.b.Alternate Fuels. These are JP-4 and equivalentcommercial fuels which can be used continuously with-out power reduction when Army standard fuel is not avai-lable. Power setting adjustments and increased mainte-nance may be required when an alternate fuel is used.c.Emergency Fuels. 100LL (Low Lead) AVGAS(aviation gasoline) is authorized for use as an emergencyfuel with operation not to exceed 6 hours cumulativetime.2-15-4. Use of Fuel.Consult TB 55-9150-200-24 for use of fuel and substitutedata as applicable for turbine engine aircraft (Refer totables 2-15-2, 2-15-3 and 2-15-4.)a.There is no special limitation on the use of Armystandard or alternate fuel. Certain limitations are im-posed when emergency fuels are used. For record pur-poses, fuel mixtures shall be identified as to the majorcomponent of the mixture.b.The use of JP8+100 additive is not authorized foruse. However in the event of an inadvertent JP8+100refueling (ground or aviation), the following procedureswill apply;(1)Document the incident and quantity ofJP8+100 received on the aircraft DA Form 2408-13-1.Register the incident with the USAPC so systemic prob-lems can be identifed and rectified. Contact USAPC atDSN: 977-8580.(2)The aircraft will be allowed to operate withthis additive without restriction and will be considered“+100” free after (3) refuelings with a full usuable fuelload of JP8.(3)If circumstances dictate an aircraft defuel-ing, transfer the JP8+100 to another aircraft. If this is notpossible, the JP8+100 must be treated as a hazardouswaste material and disposed of accordingly.(4)For ground equipment, defuel the JP8+100and treat as hazardous waste. After defueling, consumeone tank full of JP8, then immediately replace filter/coa-lescer elements.c.The use of kerosene fuels (JP-5 or JP-8 type) inturbine engines dictates a need for special precautions.Ground starts and air restarts at low temperature maybemore difficult due to low vapor pressure.d.When changing from one type of authorized fuelto another - for example, JP-4 to JP-5 or JP-8 – it is notnecessary to drain the aircraft fuel system before addingthe new fuel.e.Fuels having the same NATO code number areinterchangeable. Jet fuels conforming to ASTM-3-1655specification may be used when MIL-T-5624 orMIL-T-83133 fuels are not available. This usually occursduring cross-country flights where aircraft using NATOF-44 (JP-5) are refueled with NATO F-40 (JP-4) or Com-mercial ASTM Type B fuels. When this occurs, engineoperating characteristics may change in that lower oper-ating temperature, slower acceleration, lower enginespeed, easier starting, and shorter range may be exper-ienced. The reverse is true when changing from F-40(JP-4) fuel to F-44 (JP-5) or Commercial ASTM Type A-1fuels.WARNINGTo prevent fuel from spilling from thetanks, caution should be used when open-ing fuel caps after pressure refueling orwhen aircraft has been sitting in the sun.2-15-5. Fuel Tanks Servicing.The CH-47D helicopter has six fuel tanks, three tanks oneach side. The tanks can be serviced through the single–point pressure refueling system or through filler ports ineach tank. The single-point method of servicing is prefer-red. Using this method, all tanks can be filled, partiallyfilled, or selectively filled in less than 4 minutes. Refer totable 2-15-1 for individual tank capacities.
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