TM 1-1520-240-102-14-10 Table 2-14-1. Master Caution Panel Capsules 712 (Continued)WORD SEGMENTEXPLANATIONNO. 2 ENG N1 CONTNo. 2 engine N1 component has failed or the engine condition lever or N1 actuator is notin the STOP, GND, or FLT position.NO. 1 ENG XMSNHOTNo. 1 engine transmission oil temperature is above about 190_C.NO. 2 XMSN HOTNo. 2 engine transmission oil temperature is above about 190_C.CM INOPCountermeasure set has failed.CM JAMCountermeasures set has detected interference from other countermeasures sets or sys-tem is being jammed.EAPS 1 FAILPressure switch within No. 1 EAPS has sensed a pressure differential of 10 psi, indicat-ing a partial blockage of inlet air.EAPS 2 FAILPressure switch within No. 2 EAPS has sensed a pressure differential of 10 psi, indicat-ing a partial blockage of inlet air.2-14-29. MASTER CAUTION Lights.Two MASTER CAUTION lights on the instrument panelsindicate that one or more of the caution capsules haveilluminated. On the pilot instrument panel, the cautionlight is above the airspeed indicator. On the copilot instru-ment panel, it is above the altimeter.Movable NVG filters are attached to the instrument pan-els to the left of each light. For NVG operations, the filterscan be rotated over the two MASTER CAUTION lightsmaking the lights NVG compatible. After the MASTERCAUTION has illuminated and the condition noted, thepilots should extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light bypressing (PUSH TO RESET) the face of the light. TheMASTER CAUTION light is then ready to indicate a sub-sequent malfunction of a different system.Once the malfunction is corrected, the affected cautioncapsule will extinguish. The HEATER HOT capsule is anexception (Refer to Section X). If either generator iscycled OFF then ON while another caution capsule is lit,the MASTER CAUTION light may remain illuminated af-ter the generator comes back on and the associatedGEN OFF capsule extinguishes. If this occurs, press toextinguish the MASTER CAUTION light.Figure 2-14-6. Master Caution /Advisory Panel 714A
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