TM 1-1520-240-102-14-12 Table 2-14-2 Master Caution/Advisory Panel Capsules 714A (Continued)WORD SEGMENTEXPLANATIONPWR STEERSteering control has been disabled due to system malfunction or steering limits havebeen exceeded.RECT 2Transformer-rectifier has failed or the generator output is interrupted.GEN 1No. 1 generator is inoperative or the generator switch is at OFF.GEN 2No. 2 generator is inoperative or the generator switch is at OFF.HYD 1No. 1 flight control hydraulic system pressure us below 1,800 psi.CD JAMCounter measures jammer failed.UTIL HYD SYSUtility hydraulic system pressure is below 1,800 psi.HYD 2No. 2 flight control hydraulic system pressure is below 1,800 psi.AFCS 1The No. 1 AFCS is off, failed, or DASH is reprogramming.CM INOPCounter measures inoperative.DUAL HOOK FAULTThe forward and/or aft hook circuit has an electrical fault and the hook(s) shall not be re-leased electrically.AFCS 2The No. 2 AFCS is off, failed, or DASH is reprogramming.APU ONThe APU is up to speed and can be used.EXT PWRThe light comes on whenever external popwer is conencted to the bus.FWD HOOK OPENThe forward cargo hook has been opened either electrically or manually.PARK BRK ONParking brake is on.MID HOOK OPENThe midcargo hook has been opened, either hydraulically, pneumatically, or manually.AFT HOOK OPENThe aft cargo hook has been opened either electrically or manually.
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