TM 1-1520-240-102-14-112-14-30. CAUTION LT Panel.The CAUTION LT (caution light) panel is located on thecenter instrument panel (16, fig. 2-1-4). It comprises of aBRT-DIM switch and a TEST switch.a.BRT-DIM Switch. When the switch is placed toBRT, the caution capsule will light to full intensity. Whenmoved to DIM, the caution capsules will not be as bright.When the cockpit dome lights are on white, it is not pos-sible to dim the master caution panel. If the white domelight is selected while the caution lights are operating onDIM, the caution lights will automatically switch to BRTmode of operation.b.TEST Switch. When the switch is placed toTEST, all the caution capsules on the master cautionpanel and the two MASTER CAUTION lights illuminateto faciliate checking the individual capsule lamps. Whenreleased to OFF, the lamps in the MASTER CAUTIONlights and all the caution capsules extinguish. When thePLT INST and CPLT INST lights rotary control switchesare active, and the VHF NAV and marker beacon VOLswitches are on, the test feature will also light all theselect legends on the MODE SELECT panel and theMKR BCN indicator lights.Table 2-14-2 Master Caution/Advisory Panel Capsules 714AWORD SEGMENTEXPLANATIONENG 1 FAILPower turbine shaft faliure, N1 underspeed, or flameout. During engine start this cautionis illuminated if the engine fails to start.ENG 2 FAILPower turbine shaft faliure, N1 underspeed, or flameout. During engine start this cautionis illuminated if the engine fails to start.FADEC 1No. 1 PRI system hard fails.ENG CONT PWRPTIT is within contingency power range.FADEC 2No. 2 PRI system hard fails.REV 1No. 1 REV system hard fails.REV 2No. 2 REV system hard fails.ENG 1 OIL LVLApproximately 2 qt of usable oil is remaining in No. 1 engine oil tank.EAPS 1 FAILPressure switch within No. 1 EAPS has sensed a pressure differential of 10 psi, indicat-ing a partial blockage of inlet air.EAPS 2 FAILPressure switch within No. 2 EAPS has sensed a pressure differential of 10 psi, indicat-ing a partial blockage of inlet air.ENG 2 OIL LVLApproximately 2 qt of usable oil is remaining in No. 2 engine oil tank.ENG 1 CHIP DETRMetal chips in No. 1 engine or engine transmission oil.XMSN OIL HOTTransmission oil temperature is more than 140_C.XMSN CHIP DETRMetal chips in the oil of the forward, combining, or aft transmission or the aft thrust bear-ing.ENG 2 CHIP DETRMetal chip in the No. 2 engine or engine transmission oil.ENG 1 XMSN HOTNo. 1 engine transmission oil temperature is above about 190_C.XMSN OIL PRESSTransmission main oil pressure is less than 20 psi, or less than 10 psi in the aft rotorshaft.ENG 2 XMSN HOTNo. 2 engine transmission oil temperature is above about 190_C.L FUEL LVLLeft main fuel tank has approximately 20 percent of fuel remaining.XMSN AUX OILPRESSLess than 20 psi auxilliary oil pressure in the forward, or aft transmission or less than 10psi in the combining transmission.R FUEL LVLRight main fuel tank has approximately 20 percent of fuel remaining.L FUEL PRESSLeft fuel pressure is below 10 spi.HTR HOTTemperature within heater is greater than 177_C.R FUEL PRESSRight fuel pressure is below 10 psi.RECT 1Transformer-rectifier has failed or the generator output is interrupted.BATT SYS MALFBattery or battery charging system has failed or the battery has exceeded the safe oper-ating temperature.
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