TM 1-1520-240-102-14-8 2-14-28. 712 Master Caution Panel. 714A MasterCaution/Advisory Panel. The Master Caution Panel is on the center instrumentpanel (fig. 2-14-5 and 2-14-6). Each capsule is labeledwith word segments which are related to the fault orcondition. When a caution capsule illuminates, the wordsegments lettered into the panel are of an amber color.When they extinguish, the lettering is not readable.Tables 2-14-1 and 2-14-2 contain lists of the word seg-ments displayed on the capsules and their actual mean-ing and cause.712 An NVG filter is provided for use during NVG opera-tions. The filter fits over the master caution panel and issecured in place by hook and pile tape at its base. Whenthe filter is in this position, any light coming from thecaution lights will be NVG compatible. For normal opera-tions, the filter is rotated from its base to a horizontalposition, and stowed in a compartment above the mastercaution panel.EAPS 1FAILEXT PWRDUAL HOOK FAULTPWR STEEREAPS 2 FAILEXT PWRFigure 2-14-5. Master Caution System 712
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