TM 1-1520-240-102-14-9Table 2-14-1. Master Caution Panel Capsules 712WORD SEGMENTEXPLANATIONXMSN OIL HOTTransmission oil temperature is more than 140_C.XMSN OIL PRESSTransmission main oil pressure is less than 20 psi, or less than 10 psi in the aft rotorshaft.XMSN AUX OILPRESSLess than 20 psi auxilliary oil pressure in the forward, or aft transmision or less than 10psi in the combining transmission.NO. 1 ENG OIL LOWApproximately 2 qt of usable oil is remaining in No. 1 engine oil tank.NO. 2 ENG OIL LOWApproximately 2 qt of usable oil is remaining in No. 2 engine oil tank.L FUEL PRESSLeft fuel pressure is below 10 psi.R FUEL PRESSRight fuel pressure is below 10 psi.PWR STEERSteering control has been disabled due to system malfunction or steering limits havebeen exceeded.NO. 1 HYD FLTCONTRNo. 1 flight control hydraulic system pressure is below 1,800 psi.NO. 2 HYD FLTCONTRNo. 2 flight control hydraulic system pressure is below 1,800 psi.UTIL HYD SYSUtility hydraulic system pressure is below 1,800 psi.PARK BRAKE ONParking brake is on.NO. 1 RECT OFFTransformer-rectifier has failed or the generator ouput is interrupted.NO. 2 RECT OFFTransformer-rectifier has failed or the generator ouput is interrupted.NO. 1 GEN OFFNo. 1 generator is inoperative on the generator switch is at OFF.NO. 2 GEN OFFNo. 2 generator is inoperative on the generator switch is at OFF.BATT SYS MALBattery or battery charging system has failed or the battery has exceeded the safe oper-ating temperature.EXT PWRThis light comes on whenever external power is connected to the bus.L FUEL LOWLeft main fuel tank has approximately 20 percent fuel remaining.R FUEL LOWRight main fuel tank has approximately 20 percent fuel remaining.HEATER HOTTemperature within heater is greater than 177_C.MID HOOK OPENThe midcargo hook has been opened, either hydraulically, pneumatically, or manually.APU ONThe APU is up to speed and can be used.DUAL HOOK FAULTThe forward and/or aft hook circuit has an electrical fault and the hook(s) shall not be re-leased electrically.FWD HOOK OPENThe forward cargo hook has been opened either electrically or manually.AFT HOOK OPENThe aft cargo hook has been opened either electrically or manually.NO. 1 AFCS OFFThe No. 1 AFCS is off, failed, or DASH is reprogramming.NO. 2 AFCS OFFThe No. 2 AFCS is off, failed, or DASH is reprogramming.No. 1 ENG CHIP DETMetal chips in No. 1 engine or engine transmission oil.NO. 2 ENG CHIP DET Metal chips in No. 2 engine or engine transmission oil.XMSN CHIP DETMetal chips in the oil of the forward, combining, or aft transmision or the aft thrust bear-ing.NO. 1 ENG N1 CONTNo. 1 engine N1 component has failed or the engine condition lever or N1 actuator is notin the STOP, GND, or FLT position.
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