TM 1-1520-240-102-14-72-14-21. CHRONOMETER.Two digital clocks labeled CHRONOMETER are locatedon the copilot and pilot instrument panels (fig. 2-14-4).Each clock has a six-digit GMT (greenwich mean time)display and four-digit selectable display. A test mode isprovided to check system. A flashing annunciator identi-fies which clock mode has been selected. There arethree controls on each clock, a SELECT button, a CON-TROL button, and a DIM switch.Figure 2-14-4. Chronometera.SELECT Button. It allows the selection of any ofthree modes on the four-digit display: GMT, LT (localtime), or ET (elapsed time). The six-digit display showsGMT only.b.CONTROL Button. It is used to set the time se-lected on the four-digit display. When the CONTROL andSELECT buttons are pressed simultaneously, the four-digit display is changed from the normal to the time setmode, and the CONTROL button is functional.c.DIM Control Switch. It is used to set the lightintensity of the display. At low light settings, the clockdisplay is NVG compatible.Integral alkaline batteries maintain clock operation whenno aircraft power is applied, but the CONTROL and SE-LECT buttons are disabled. Power to operate the chro-nometers is supplied by the DC essential bus through theCPLT CLOCK and PLT CLOCK on the No. 1 PDP andNo. 2 PDP.2-14-22. Normal Operation - CHRONOMETER.2-14-23. Setting GMT.Press the SELECT button until GMT is selected. Simulta-neously press both the SELECT and CONTROL buttonsto enter the set mode. The tens of hours digit will startflashing and the CONTROL button has full control of theflashing digit. Each time the CONTROL button is pressed, the flashing digit will increment. Once the tenth of hoursis set, pressing the SELECT button will select the nextdigit to be set. After the last digit has been selected andset with the CONTROL button, press the SELECT buttonto exit the set mode. The annunciator will resume itsnormal flashing condition to indicate that the GMT clockis running.2-14-24. Setting LT.Press the SELECT button until LT is selected. Simulta-neously press both the SELECT and CONTROL buttonsto enter the set mode. The tens of hours digit will startflashing and CONTROL button has full control of theflashing digit. Use the same sequence as for setting GMTwith the exception that the minutes are already synchro-nized with the GMT clock and can not be set when in LTmode.2-14-25. Setting ET.The elapsed time allows for count up or count downmodes.a.Count Up. Press the SELECT button until ET isselected. Press the CONTROL button to start count upsequence. The clock will count up to 59 minutes, 59seconds and then changes to hours and minutes. It willcount up to 99 hours and 59 minutes. Pressing the CON-TROL button again resets the ET to zero.b.Count Down. Press the SELECT button until ETis selected. Simultaneously press both SELECT andCONTROL buttons to enter the set mode. A count downfrom any time, not to exceed 59 minutes and 59 seconds,can be set using the same sequence as for setting GMT.Once the last digit is set, pressing the SELECT buttonexits the set mode and the clock is ready to start countdown. Pressing the CONTROL button will start countdown sequence. When the clock reaches zero, an alarmbecomes active by flashing the numbers and the ETcounter will begin to count up. To reset the alarm presseither the SELECT or CONTROL button.2-14-26. Test Mode.To activate the test mode, press and hold the SELECTbutton for three seconds and all numerical displays willshow an 8 and all annunciators will be active.2-14-27. Master Caution System.The master caution system provides the pilots with avisual indication of helicopter conditions or faults (fig.2-14-5 and 2-14-6). The components of the systems arethe 712 Master Caution Panel with NVG filter, 714AMaster Caution/Advisory Panel, two MASTER CAU-TION lights with NVG filters, and a CAUTION LT panelwith a TEST and BRT-DIM switch. Power to operate andcontrol the master caution system is supplied by the DCessential bus through the LIGHTING CAUTION PN cir-cuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.
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