TM 1-1520-240-104-1-74-1-6. Controls and Indicators, Missile Detector Set(AN/ALQ-156). (fig. 4-1-5)CONTROLS /INDICATORFUNCTIONPOWER OFF/ONAt ON, power is applied toset. The switch is locked atON. Signals radiate after thenormal warmup period iscompleted.STBY Indicator Lighton STATUS SwitchLights when switch is de-pressed and system is instandby operation.Amber Warmup Cau-tion Light on STATUSSwitchLights when power is ap-plied to set and remains onuntil operating temperaturesare reached.FLARE TEST SwitchSimulates launch commandsignal to flare dispenser.CM INOP CautionLight (on caution pan-el)When lit indicates the sethas failed and the helicopteris without countermeasuresprotection.CM JAM CautionLight (on caution pan-el)Lights when system detectsmutual interference fromnearby countermeasuressets or enemy jamming.4-1-7. Normal Operation; Countermeasure Set.WARNINGAn accidental flare launch can occur whenFlare Dispenser System is armed (controlswitch at ARM) and the CountermeasureSet is operating (CM caution and indicat-ing lights off). A flare launch will also oc-cur is the FLARE TEST switch on thecountermeasures control panel is opera-ted. Arm these systems only in caseswhere a launched flare will not cause inju-ry or property damage.WARNINGDuring operation, the AN/ALQ-156 anten-nas radiate radio-frequency energy. Thisenergy may cause burns to personnelnear the antennas. Be sure ground per-sonnel are at least 6 feet from the anten-nas when the control switch is at ON.a.Starting.(1)MSL DET SYS circuit breakers on No. 2PDP — Check in.Figure 4-1-5. Countermeasures Set Control Panel (AN/ALQ-156)
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