TM 1-1520-240-104-1-8 WARNINGThe system requires a 10-minute warm-upprior to operation. To ensure automaticsystem operation when required, be surethe set is operational and all caution andindicator lights are out prior to enteringhostile areas.(2)POWER control switch – ON(3)Warm-up light – ON, allow 10 minutes forwarm-up. At the end of warm-up period, the warm-uplight will be shut off.b.ECM operation.(1)Status switch — Push for standby operationor release to commence automatic protection.(2)CM JAM caution light — Check OUT.(3)CM INOP caution light — Check OUT. If cau-tion light is on, the set has malfunctioned and the helicop-ter is without countermeasure protection.(4)STATUS switch – Push for standby operationwhen countermeasures protection temporarily is not re-quired and/or accidental flare launch is a danger (LZ/PZoperations).(5)POWER switch – OFF when countermea-sures protection is no longer required (EOM).WARNINGIf countermeasures set has been off forless than 5 minutes and further operationis required, the warm–up indicator lightmay go out immediately (or within someinterval less than the normal 10 minutewarmup period) after the power switch isset to on. If this occurs, it is mandatorythat the system be operated in STBY for atleast 1 minute. Failure to observe this re-quirement can result in a false alarm(launch) and/or transmitting frequency in-stability resulting in interference with oth-er countermeasures sets.4-1-8. Flare Dispenser M-130.The Flare Dispenser M-130 (fig. 4-1-6) will dispense upto 30 decoy flares as a countermeasure to infrared seek-ing missiles. The externally mounted dispenser is con-trolled by a DISP CONT control panel on the console andsix firing switches. Two cockpit firing switches are pro-vided, one on each pilot’s control stick grip. Four hand-held crewmember firing switches are installed in the cab-in area. Flares can also be automatically fired by firingcommands from the countermeasure set (AN/ALQ-156)if the set detects a missile approach. A timer in the cabinprovides a 2.5 second delay between firing pulses re-gardless of firing switch position. A ground safety relay,controlled by a landing gear proximity and a safety pinmanually installed into the dispenser, prevents firingflares when the helicopter is on the ground. The systemis powered by the No. 1 DC bus through the CHAFFcircuit breaker on the No. 1 PDP.NOTEAlthough the control panel, dispenser, andcircuit breaker are marked CHAFF or haveCHAFF (C) selector positions, chaff cannotbe dispensed at this installation.4-1-9. Dispenser Control Panel.The DISP CONT panel is installed in the center console. Thepanel contains the ARM SAFE switch, ARM indicator light,RIPPLE FIRE switch, FLARE counter, and counter settingknob. The panel also includes a MAN-PGRM switch andCHAFF counter, which are not used in this installation.4-1-10. Dispenser Status Panel.The dispenser status panel (fig. 4-1-6) provides an indicationof safety relay operation and system arming. It also allowsthe landing gear safety switch to be bypassed for groundtesting of the dispenser system. The panel is on the left sideof the cabin at sta 534.4-1-11. Controls and Function, Flare Dispenser Sys-tem (M-130) (fig. 4-1-6)CONTROLS/INDICATORFUNCTIONARM/SAFE SwitchAt SAFE, the system is notpowered. At ARM, the sys-tem is powered, providedthe safety pin is removedfrom the electronic moduleand the ground safety relayis energized. (Helicopter air-borne or remote bypassswitch on remote test panelis at BYPASS.)
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