TM 1-1520-240-104-1-9CONTROLS/INDICATORFUNCTIONARM Indicator LightRed PRESS-TO-TESTwarning light indicates, whenlit, that ARM SAFE switch isat ARM, safety relay isclosed, and safety pin is notinstalled in electronic mod-ule.FLARE CounterTwo digit counter displaysnumber of flares remaining inthe dispenser. The number offlares loaded is set manually,using the knob directly belowthe counter.RIPPLE FIRE SwitchGuarded two-position switchallows rapid emergency ejec-tion of all remaining flares.CHAFF CounterNot used in this installation.MAN/PGRM SwitchLight intensity controlled bycaution panel DIM/BRT SW.Dispenser StatusPanel(fig. 4-1-6)READY TO FIRELightAmber light comes on whensystem is armed and ready tofire. Light receives powerthrough timer and will go outfor 2.5 seconds after flarelaunch.LDG GR SW STATUSLightGreen light comes on whenground safety relay isdeactivated. The safety relayis deactivated when thehelicopter is airborne orbypassed via the LDG GRSW BYPASS switch.LDG GR SW BYPASSLightRed light, when lit, indicatesthat the ground safety relay isbypassed(NORMAL/BYPASS switch isat BYPASS).NORMAL/BYPASSSwitchGuarded switch. At BYPASS,the landing gear safety switchis bypassed. Switch normallyused to test system prior toinstalling flares.Cyclic Stick FLAREDISP SwitchPushbutton switch on side ofeach cyclic stick. Fires a flareeach time when pressed.Hand Held FiringSwitched (4)Located in forward and aftcabin sections. Whenpressed, a single flare is fired.WARNING1. Dispenser Assembly.a. Selector switch — Set to F.b. Safety pin — Remove and stow.c. Flares — Note quantity installed.2. Dispenser Status Panel.a. LDG GR SW BYPASS switch — NOR-MAL Cover down.b. Indicator lights — PRESS -TO-TEST.3. Cabin hand held firing switches — Checkconnected and secured in holder.4. Cockpit Control Panel.a. RIPPLE FIRE switch — Cover down.b. ARM/SAFE switch — SAFE.c. FLARE counter — Set to amount offlares in dispenser.4-1-12. Normal Operation — M-130 Flare Dispens-er.4-1-13. Preflight.WARNINGAn inadvertent flare launch can occurwhen the Flare Dispenser System isarmed (control switch at ARM) and theCountermeasures Set is operating (CMcaution and indicating lights off).4-1-14. In-Flight Operation.1. After liftoff, LDG GR SW STATUS advisorylight on remote test panel — Check on.2. ARM/SAFE switch — ARM. Check ARM warning light on.3. READY-TO-FIRE light on dispenser statuspanel — Check on.4. ECM set — ON. Allow 10 minutes for war-mup. The ECM set will monitor the areaaround the helicopter for missiles and auto-matically fire flares when missiles are de-tected.NOTEThe flare dispenser can be safely observedfrom the cabin through the filtered glass win-dow on the left side of the helicopter above theramp at sta. 575.
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