TM 1-1520-240-BD•TestEquipmentKit. Contains diagnostic and testequipment and adaptors.•ConnectorRepairKit. Contains electrical connectorinsertion or removal tools, crimping tools and dies,and wire stripping tools and dies.•WireRepairKit. Contains wire, shield, and co-axialcable cutters, strippers, crimpers and splicematerials. Also contains certain bulk wire, shield,and insulation materials, terminal boards, and cabletying materials. This kit also contains certainconnector pins and sockets for use with theconnector repair kit. A heat gun is included tocomplete environmentally protected splices.The fourth kit is for use at the downed aircraft site. Itcontains materials and tools needed to performemergency repairs that will allow self recovery of theaircraft. The emergency repair and aircraft recovery kitis compact to facilitate transport to the downed aircraftsite.b.Operation. The four kits also containenvironmentally protected software as follows:•InstructionSheets. For the tools, repair materials,and test equipment contained within the kit.•ContentsChart. For inventory control of thecomponents contained within each kit storagecompartment.•Cross-ReferenceCharts. For re-ordering kitcomponents.•ApplicationCharts. To provide proper selection ofkit components for a specific task.The information contained in the software is intended foruse during combat to repair aircraft wiring systemswithout using any other TM. Recommended usage ofthe four kits is described in paragraphs 9-7b(1) through9-7b(4).(1)TestEquipmentKit.(a)Mission And Major Components.The test equipment kit is used for diagnosing andtroubleshooting damaged aircraft wiring systems and forverifying wiring repair. The kit contains electronicinstruments for conducting necessary test. Theinstruments and their intended use are:•DigitalMultimeter(DMM).A digit multimeter isprovided for measurement of circuit voltages (AC to1000 VAC, DC to 1500 VDC); current (up to 10amps); and resistance (0 to 20 ohm). An "instant-on" continuity indicator is provided. The DMM iswaterproof and built for use in hostile environments.•TimeDomainReflectometer(TDR).A TDR isprovided to locate and analyze faults in coaxialcables. The TDR provides a CRT display of thecable condition. The display indicates the type offault present (short, open, crimped, frayed, orcrushed) and the distance of the fault (in 0.1 ft.increments) from a reference point at the TDR input.The TDR also provides a chart recorder which isused to make a permanent record of a repairedcable's TDR signature for inclusion in the aircraftrecords. The TDR may also be used to test twistedwires.CAUTION•The TDR battery pack willdischarge if left in the TDRduring extended storage.Remove the battery pack from theTDR and place in compartmentnumber 16 (spare) of the testequipment kit case duringstorage periods.•The test equipment kit alsocontains test leads and adaptorsto allow connection of the TDR orDMM to the wires or cableundergoing repair. Othersupport equipment such as aflashlight, illuminated magnifyingglass, spare D-Cell, AAA, and 9-Volt batteries, and rolls or TDRchart recorder paper areprovided.(b)Use. Prior to using kit contents, agood working knowledge of the test equipment operatingprocedures and adaptor selection is required. Thesoftware package duplicates the environmentallyprotected software within the kit and provides theoperating instructions forth TDR and DMM. It alsocontains adaptor selection charts for connecting theTDR and DMM to co-axial cable connectors, connectorpins and sockets, bare wires, and terminal boards.Proficiency in the use and9-3
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