TM 1-1520-240-BDapplication of this material is necessary if the desiredwire or cable diagnostic test capability is to be achieved.(c)Procedures. The followingprocedures is to be followed when using the testequipment kit for electrical wiring system diagnostic test,troubleshooting, or verifying repairs:•Perform necessary steps to make aircraft safe, suchas making sure all electrical power is disconnectedand all systems are deactivated. Disconnect theaircraft's battery.•Review DA Form 2404 and apply this informationto the aircraft serviceability tables.•Establish cable or wire repair sequence, starting withthe most essential requirement and proceeding tonon-essential, as time permits.•Determine test required (continuity with DMM;location and type o fault with TDR).•Select proper adaptors from applicable charts.•Perform necessary test using DMM or TDRoperating instructions.•Repair fault using the connector repair kit or the wirerepair kit.•Retest to determine effectiveness of repair. TakeTDR readings of co-axial cable repairs for aircraftlogs.•Return all contents of the test equipment kit to theproper storage compartment. Inventory kit content,account for all components, and prevent FOD.•After completing all repairs and verifying kitcontents, perform standard check-out of aircraft andsystems (powered).(2) ConnectorRepairKit.(a) Mission And Major Components.The connector repair kit is used to repair damagedwiring connector pins and sockets. The kit contains thenecessary tools to remove or insert connector pins and94 sockets, strip wiring, and crimp wires to connectorpins and sockets. The tools and their intended use are:•Insertion and Removal Tools. Insertion andremoval tools are supplied for use with front or rearrelease connector pins or sockets. Selection chartsand tool instruction sheets are provided to aid inselection and use of the proper connector repairtool.•Wire and Cable Strippers. Strippers are providedfor wires and co-axial cables. Stripper blades areprovided for the most common aircraft electricalwiring insulation materials. Instructions for bladeselection and stripper operations are supplied.•Connector Pin And Socket CrimpTools. The kitcontains crimping tools, dies, and locating turrets forcrimping connector pins and sockets to wire.Selection charts and the tool instruction sheets aresupplied to aid in selection and use of the propertools, dies, and turrets.(b)Use. Prior to using the kits'contents, a working knowledge of the tool instructions,tool application charts, and tool selection charts isrequired. The software package duplicates theenvironmentally protected software within the kit andprovides instructions for the use of the tools and toolselection charts. Proficiency in the use and applicationof this material is necessary if the desired connectorrepair capability is to be achieved.(c)Procedure. Follow theseprocedures when using the connector repair kit:•Perform necessary steps to make aircraft safe suchas making sure all electrical power is disconnectedand all systems are deactivated. Disconnect theaircraft's battery.•Review DA Form 2404 and apply the information tothe aircraft serviceability tables.•Establish connector repair sequence, starting withthe most essential requirement and proceeding tononessential, as time permits.•Perform diagnostic and troubleshooting tests asapplicable per paragraph 9-7b(1).9-4
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