TM 1-1520-240-BD•Repair Materials. Repair materials for shielded orunshielded wire and co-axial cables are provided.Bulk stock of shielded and unshielded wire, tubularshield braid, heat shrinkable tubing and wire harnesstie tape is provided on spools stored in a removablerack. Other repair materials are stored in plasticboxes to reduce FOD hazard. The boxes arelabeled at each end with the repair materialslocation reference number, name, and part number.A label on the box cover contains abbreviatedinstructions for using the repair material.Additionally, four boxes are used to store connectorpins and sockets.(b)Use. Before using kit components, aworking knowledge of the instructions, and materialapplication charts is required. The software packageduplicates the environmentally protected software. Itprovides instructions for the use of the tools, thecomponent selection charts, and proper application ofrepair materials. Proficiency in the use and applicationof this material is necessary to achieve desired repaircapability.(c)Procedure. The following procedure istypical when using the kit to repair wire or cable:•Perform necessary steps to make aircraft safe, suchas making sure all electrical power is disconnectedand all systems are deactivated. Disconnect theaircraft’s battery.•Review DA Form 2404 and apply the information tothe aircraft’s' serviceability tables.•Establish the sequence for wire repair, starting withthe most essential requirement and proceeding tonon-essential, as time permits.•Perform diagnostic and troubleshooting tests asapplicable per paragraph 9-7b(1).•Use illuminated magnifying glass to aid indetermining type and gage of the wire used in thesystem.•Use the repair component selection charts todetermine the repair material to be used.•Refer to the general wire repair procedure andmaterial instructions to determine the tools required.•Set up and check out the HT-900A Heat Gun at therepair site.•Refer to the contents chart to located required toolsand repair material.•Remove the necessary tools and repair materialsfrom the kits. Verify that the proper stripper bladesare installed in the stripper handle. Change asnecessary.•Prepare the wire or co-axial cable for installation ofrepair material.•Install repair material per instructions.•Perform the remaining repairs on other wire or co-axial cables.•Use the test equipment to verify the repair.NOTEUse the TDR to obtain a chart recordof all repairs performed on co-axialcables. This record will be includedin the aircraft maintenance records.It will provide a signature of the co-axial cable characteristics if a futuresystem degradation occurs. Clearlyannotate the chart record with theaircraft serial number, date, airframehours, cable number, system, repairaction performed, and vertical andhorizontal TDR attenuations.•Return all tools and unused repair materials to theirproper storage compartment. Verify the kitinventory account for all components, and preventFOD.•After completing all repairs and verifying kitinventory, check out aircraft and systems (powered).(4)Emergency Wire Repair and AircraftRecoveryKit.(a)Mission And Major Components. The kitis used for emergency repairs on a downed aircraft’s'electrical wiring to allow a self-recovery flight to anAVIM or AVUM area. The kit contains the basic tools,repair9-6
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