TM 1-1520-240-BD•Demate connector, determine contact type (pin orsocket) and gage affected.•Use illuminated magnifying glass to aid indetermining part number of connector to berepaired.•Use illuminated magnifying glass to aid indetermining type and gage of the wire used in thesystem.•Refer to wire stripper selection chart to select theproper stripper blade and handle.•Install blades into stripper handle using the Proto9208 nut driver. Use the contents chart fromcompartment "A" to determine location of nutdrivers, stripper blades, and handle.•Refer to the tool selection charts to determine thecontact's removal or installation tool, the crimp tool,the turret head positioner or die set, andreplacement contact part number.NOTEContact part numbers marked withan asterisk (*) in the charts areavailable in compartment B1 and B4on the MK-0015 Wire Repair Kit.Contact part numbers not markedmust be obtained from other stockareas.•Remove the necessary tools from the kits' storagecompartment. Assemble the turret head, positioner,or die set to the crimp tool handle.•Remove the damaged pin or socket from theconnector using the removal tool.•Prepare the wire for the new pin or socket using thewire stripper. Splice in additional wire, if necessary(paragraph 9-7b(3)(b)).•Select the proper pin or socket. Install into theprepared wire and crimp using the crimp toolassembly. You may observe proper wire insertioninto the contact through the contact inspection hole.•Install the pin and socket into the connector usingthe insertion tool.•Perform the remaining repair actions.•Use the test equipment kit to verify the repairs.•Return all the components to the proper storagecompartments, and prevent FOD.•After completing all repairs and verifying kitinventory, check out aircraft and systems (powered).(3)WireRepairKit.(a)Mission and Major Components.The kit is used to repair damaged aircraft electricalwires and co-axial cables. The kit contains thenecessary tools and materials to strip and splice wireand heat shrink the environmental seal insulationmaterial. Environmentally protected splices areprovided for shielded and unshielded wires and co-axialcables as well as the preassembled wire splicesegments. Bulk, wire, wire shield, and heat shrinkabletubing stocks are also provided. The major tools andrepair materials are:•ModelHT-900AHeatGun. The Model HT-900AHeat Gun is a compressed air and nitrogen heatingtool. It provides a portable source of heat for usewith heat shrinkable tubing, environmentally sealedsplices, and meltable solder fittings. The HT-900Amay be used on fueled aircraft. The heat gun isself-contained, but requires compressed air ornitrogen and electrical power. Adaptors are for usewith various air or nitrogen supply hoses and ACpower sources.•WireStripperandCutters. Wire strippers andcutters are for use on unshielded and shieldedwires, and co-axial cable. Stripper blades areprovided for the most common aircraft wiringinsulation materials. Instructions for blade selectionand stripper operation are supplied.•CrimpTools. The kit provides crimp tools andinstructions for both wire crimp splices and terminallugs.9-5
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